Co-Scholastic Activities

Every opportunity is provided to the students to tune their skills and mouding them with our values as human beings since they are the future pillars of the country.

Training students in extra curricular activities such as vocal music, karate etc.,

Encouraging activities which goes beyond the curriculum and making the children to enjoy their learning is achieved through various club activities such as,

Sports Activities :

At Sri Vidya Mandir, we recognize the role of sports in teaching self-discipline, leadership & camaraderie. Along with compulsory physical education, we encourage our students to choose from a wide large of sporting activities that we offer. Our campus provides the following indoor & outdoor facilities to choose from:

1. Football
2. Kho-Kho
3. Volleyball
4. Badminton
5. Handball
6. Track & field: Sprint (60mts & 100mts), Long Jump, High Jump, Shot put
1. Table Tennis
2. Chess
3. Carrom
4. Badminton

Under the guidance of our physical educational teachers, students of a Sri Vidya Mandir, participate numerous sports meets held at District , State & National Level. Our School Kho-Kho team entries consecutively seven Times at the National Level Conducted by CBSE. We also bagged runner up trophy at National Level in Kho-kho.

Club : As active members of Clubs, students get an opportunity to involve themselves in a plethora of activities all year round.

Cookery Club : Aimed at encouraging the hidden chef in the child.

Literary Club : This club prepares students for participation in culinary competitions.

Heritage Club : We believe that heritage education is important to children’s understanding of beliefs, values of history and socio-cultural context of the land they live in. This club aims to create awareness about our countries tradition and culture.

Eco Club : Aims to create awareness about environmental degradation and steps to prevent exploitation of nature.

Quiz Club

Mathematics Club

Art & Craft : Members of this club learn art through drawing, painting, pot painting etc., A great deal of emphasis is put on “Art from waste” that encourages students to create art work from discarded material this reinforcing the importance of recycling and waste reduction.

Scouts & Guides : Aimed at ensuring Physical and mental fitness, creating responsible citizens by inculcating values to develop the spirit of brotherhood and respect towards elders. Our students are members of Bharat Scouts and Guides. Younger pupils are introduced to this tradition as Cubs and Bulbuls. Students participate in Camps that offer wide range of activities such as tentmaking, vegetable carving, first aid etc.,

Houses : Every student will be assigned to a house and will remain in the house system until they pass out. This enable students to function and grow within student groups. They complete in the moral competition.

Community Service : we pride ourselves for outreach programmes as a means to give back to our community through continuous effort to create positive changes. Our students, staff and management are closely involved in numerous socially relevant activities all through the year.

Study Tours & Field trips : Every year the school organize study tours and field trips to various point of interest. This enables students to connect their classroom learning with the real world.

Student Leadership Body : There are numerous opportunities available at Sri Vidya Mandir to nurture and develop leadership skills. The student leadership body consists of house leaders, the student cabinet, sports captains. The student leaders are involved in several aspects of student discipline and organization. The president and house leaders can also be sitting members in the school disciplinary committee at the behalf of the principal.

Grievance Committee : The school grievance committee is a body that will address the problems that students may have against one another, with teachers. Students are encouraged to approach this committee and raise any problems or questions they may have. The committee will work to resolve the students issues. If the problem is against only of the committee members, they may raise the issue with the Principal/Management.

Sexual Harassment Committee : This committee is formed in accordance with the following conditions.

  • The committee shall have three members.
  • Atleast two of such members shall be women.
  • The committee shall be headed by one member (chairperson) who shall be the principal.

Junior Red Cross : JRC is organized for health and that of others to understand and accept civic and human responsibilities, to cultivate and maintain a spirit of friendly helpfulness among children and across the globe to disseminate the red cross messages with selfless motive.


  • The promotion of health of others and that of own.
  • Service to sick and suffering.
  • International friendliness.