English Language Lab
Practice session under language teachers are conducted where students have the opportunity to improve vocabulary and fluency through.

Science Lab
We have fully equipped and spacious science labs (Physics, Chemistry & Bioloy) separately. They are designed with modern equipments updated charts and specimen to ensure better learning out comes.

Maths Lab
It is designed to develop students problem solving skills. Lab exercises are designed for each class.

Computer Lab
We have two computer labs. One for Junior and another for Seniors. Our lab have numerous computer each updated with latest version of windows and students can have adequate hands on experience. Computer teachers conduct regular classes based on CBSE curriculum and provide students with the opportunity of learning by doing various projects. Computers have internet access also.

At Sri Vidya Mandir, we have extensive collection of books, periodicals, newspapers, journals that cater to all age groups in the school. At present we have collection of more than 10,000 books covering various categories, languages and subjects.

Library Rules
All Students & Teachers are members of school library.
- Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
- Students are allowed to borrow only one book and retain it for a week’s time. During necessity or urgency the librarian may call for a book any time before the expiry of the normal period.
- Reference books cannot be taken out of the library under any circumstances either by the staff or the students.
- If the book borrowed is not returned in the due date, a fine of twenty paise per day will be change.
- Students are requested to examine the book as soon as it is issued to him / her. Any mark, damage, missing of pages shall be reported to the librarian.
- Library book will be issued according to the class wise schedule informed by the librarian in advance.
- Misbehavior inside the library by the students will be severely dealt with.
- Members shall not, on any account, pass the book to other non-members.
- Books lost, or damaged due to careless handling will have to be paid for or replaced. The decision of the principal in this matter shall be final and binding.
- Pupils of class X and XII must return the book on or before 15th Feb. pupils of other classes will return the book on or before 15th march. There will be no issue of books during the summer vocation.
Fine Arts Fee
The willing students on payment of nominal fees are given training in Carnatic music, Karate, Gymnastics, Chess, Soft Tennis.

School Conveyance
Transport facilities up to class IX is available to those students on prescribed payment, which should be paid before 15th of every month. Transport fee for the entire month should be paid even if it is availed for one session of the day or part of a month.
The school will not be responsible for any unforeseen mechanical or other troubles in the transport and the students have to make their own arrangements during such exigencies.

Achievement Record
Achievement records are sent to the parents. Parents are expected to receive the Achievement records on the specified dates.
Parents are requested not to write any comments or suggestions in the Achievement records. If they wish to do so they must send a separate note to the principal. No communication shall be addressed directly to the class teacher.
A fee of Rs.100/- will be charged to replace a lost achievement record.